The Soul Of Charity In An Image

I recently was honored, as Ambassador to the Ethnic Communities for The Leprosy Mission, to receive an invitation to visit the villages for the leprosy affected by HANDA the Chinese rehabilitation charity run by leprosy affected individuals and professionals. 

I recounted.with photographs, some of the highlights of my visit AT THIS LINK.

Needless to say I was deeply touched by the stories from the inhabitants, some who had been isolated for over 50 years. I was also deeply impressed by the prosthesis makers and staff of HANDA who give so much of their time and skill to caring for these unfortunate people.

I was just sent a Photo (with a colleague at left in the photo) of my visit by a Chinese colleague which picture epitomises, to me, the very heart and soul of charity. 

Whatever trials and tribulations one may have face or will face in ones life it would be a challenge in many cases to find personal difficulties which are harder than this gentleman has faced. Yet he was kindly and friendly, and a gentleman throughout our stay which lifted all our spirits.

The Leprosy Mission has a  cure leprosy campaign running. They have worked out what it costs, on average to cure/care/defeat stigma/rehabilitate physically and 
mentally/  educate patients and their community. 

This runs to about US$400 p.a. If you would wish to assist,with any amount, with this great work please contribute via the contribution buttons on the right of this page and indicate what your contribution is for-it will be receipted and further updates will be sent if you wish.