200,000 Page Views: "Point Of View" Fastest Growing Conservative Blog Of Its Type

As you can see on the right hand side of the blog "Point Of View' has just passed  200,000 page view hits. My sincere thanks to all both pro- and con of the views expressed, for taking the time to read the occasional posts. With so many blogs, in the hundreds of millions I gather, to get to the 200k mark in such a relatively short time is hugely rewarding.

I think it shows there is a place, an audience, for a mature conservatives point of view. I try to be factual, to do in-depth research and to keep a non-strident tone. Certainly there is a place for dogmatic-ism and rooftop shouting, but it is not here, and that 200k readers agree shows, hopefully, that there is room for considered thinking.

A bit of humor now and then helps, and some personal event recounting adds a personal touch. Page three girls, or as the redoubtable Stacy McCain has it "How to get a million hits on your blog" but all done "in the best possible taste" and with a wink.

This site has been unapologetically pro-Palin through thick and thin, has endorsed Newt, would suggest voting for Santorum if he is the nominee, and will not vote for Romney any time any place anywhere-but that's... My Point of View.

Looking back it is interesting to see which posts garnered the most views, and what it says about the viewing audience, or at least the part of it that would find the subject matter interesting. Clearly Palin is what receives the most interest-which is fine with me.

1.50 Beltway Insiders Who said Palin Won't Run
2.Steve Forbes Says Palin Will Run
3.Palin's Incredible High Heels At Tupelo Conference
4.Nostradamus Predicted Palin 2012 Victory
5.Census Bureau 2012 Shows Map To Palin Electoral College Victory
6.Is It Right For "The Other McCain" To have Three Adverts With Big Breasted Women?"
7.Lib's Hit Vilest Level With Disgusting Trig Comments
8.Palin Clobbers Christie In Poll

Regarding most popular post number six. I am afraid that Stacy McCain is right once again. Recently I posted a commentary on the Greek economic crisis which I headlined "Greek Economic Crisis And The Effect On America" this received about twenty hits. 

I retitled it "Big Breasted Women And The Greek Economic Crisis And The Effect On America". At last count it is nearing 600 hits with page views (to no doubt very disappointed but hopefully further educated on economic matters viewers.)

In my opinion I think the style of this blog has now reached a point where it is better, although I do not do a daily running commentary, than Riehl World View, Taylor Marsh, Ann Althouse, Right Wing Nut House and a number of other commentary blogs.Certainly one will never read here such poor wordsmithing as Peggy Noonan displayed today at the WSJ;

"When you think of the debates the past six months, you see a line of seals barking, Ahrk ahrk!" 

My sincere thanks to Stacy McCain, Chris "Smitty" Smith, Josh Painter, Lisa Gilmer,Dr. Fay at SPIB, Benjamin Korn, Ian Lazaran and the commentators at Conservatives 4 Palin, and many many others who have been patient mentors and advisers in this journey.