Hell Freezes Over 3rd Time;MSNBC Morning Joe/Politico See Cruz As Powerful Conservative Voice For GOP & Discusses Palin's Endorsement

The earth is in danger of going out of orbit or something "signs of the apocalypse " one writer called it as The Washington Post, then MSNBC/Politico bow to Palin power and authority, and now "Morning Joe" and Politico wax hugely enthusiastically about Ted Cruz.

You can see the reports and videos-they are amazing HERE and HERE

Cruz  is described as a rising Hispanic GOP star with a stellar career who is  joining the likes of Rubio, Martinez et al in a major outreach to conservative Christian Hispanics.

Hey, wasn't it just a short time ago that the left was advising the GOP had no future because of the huge inroads into the Hispanic vote by the Dem's?

Once again Palin gets a breathless mention for her endorsement of Cruz.

Here's the clip; I had to laugh at Scarborough saying "general electric" twice instead of general election. Perhaps he was thinking of Reagan with this GOP revival!