How did the candidates fair, tonight? I give them their grades for the evening.

Gingrich:  he knew which attacks were coming and did a great job in answering the questions,  especially,  the questions dealing with his past infidelity.  I gave him an A for that response. 

Romney handled himself well.  He demonstrated a little more emotion tonight than in the past.  I gave him a B + for the nights work. 

Paul:  same old same old.  He is often pleasant,  at time a cranky.  He knows what he believes and when not talking about foreign policy,  I think we all like what he has to say.  I gave him a B for the night.  

Santorum:  Rick is simply not a leader in the party.  He seemed almost afraid of what he had just said,  accusation after accusation.  Santorum would make a point,  and look away.  He was not relax and,  on one occasion,  got his lunch handed to him by Ron Paul.  I do not believe he succeeded in his efforts to derail Gingrich or challenge Romney.  I would give him a C for the evening.