I responded to the guy on Twitter, but I'm a small fry I guess and got no response from the f-ker. (Or, more likely, I'm right and got no response from the f-ker.)
@jbarro Your piece is a joke. What improves economic outcomes for all economic classes is GDP growth. The 1990s showed this...
— Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) November 30, 2012
@jbarro ...and that was during a period of retrenchment of the welfare state. GOP has ideas. Grow the economy, expand the pie for everyone.
— Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) November 30, 2012
Anyway, here's this from The News Junkie, at Maggies' Farm, "Barro at Bloomberg makes the case for government redistribution":
For better or worse, we have had extensive government redistribution for generations in myriad forms. The real issue is not redistribution, it's how much, from whom, to whom, in what form? Further, it's a question of at what point redistribution interferes with freedom, growth, initiative, and opportunity for all.Keep reading.