SB - (Reading Twitter question) "will you run in 2016 if Romney doesn't win or in 2020 and would you consider Condi Rice as an all female ticket as your VP?
SP- "wouldn't that be cool an all female ticket.
Note that Palin didn't deny the possibility of either a presidential run or her having a female VP if a run took place. Using that as the baseline, i.e. a possible future run and female ticket mate who are currently the best placed candidates?
There is in fact a wealth of such possible top class people who each bring many qualities which would strikingly enhance a ticket.Here are some potential running mates for Palin and a discussion of their many outstanding qualities plus a few of the negatives which might be associated with them in considering who would be the best choice for 2016.
Condoleezza Rice; Rice is unquestionably qualified in every respect She is a world figure, would bring unquestioned foreign policy experience and huge gravitas. She is an accomplished speaker, businessperson, academic amongst a host of qualities and qualifications.
Her selection woudl immediately negate any leftist "racism" lies and her candidacy might slice some points off the massive Black vote for the Dem's which could be vital in marginal states. In a recent poll when voters were asked about Rice as a potential running mate the proposed Romney/Rice ticket received a substantial boost in support.
Rice might run into some opposition because of her abortion views and her association with the fiscally negligent Bush administration She would be harshly attacked by the left because of her role in the Iraq war and would be attacked over 9/11 being on her watch.
Nikki Haley: Haley would be very compatible with Palin as Haley owes her successful run, in large part, to Palin's endorsement at a crucial time in the South Carolina Republican governorship primary campaign. Hayley not only had to fight the opposing Dem's but also a slanderous GOP boys club innuendo attack on her.
That she toughed both elements out on her way to being elected governor shows her strength of character and political toughness. Hayley would elicit sympathy from women who are fed up with the sort of attacks that women politicians receive and Palin/Haley might be a powerful magnet for the women's vote.She was a successful businessperson and is pro-life.
Her being from an ethnic minority might also broaden her appeal to other minorities as well.
Unfortunately mud sticks and Haley, as VP candidate, might find herself suffering the same fate that Palin did in that situation-the victim of endless media and leftist innuendo and slurs against her and her family. This might cause a distraction from the main emphasis of the campaign. South Carolina doesn't bring anything to the Electoral College table as it is a safe Republican state.
Haley would appear to be lacking in foreign policy experience.
Kelly Ayotte: Ayotte is another senator (like Deb Fischer shortly) who owes her election, in part, to Palin's endorsement. Ayotte is clearly seen as a future star for the GOP as she was given a speaking role at the Tampa convention. She had a successful legal and administrative career prior to her election as governor of New Hampshire. New Hampshire is a battleground state and with her on the ticket it might be an important part of an Electoral College victory
Her relatively unknown national profile and short time in office might be seen as a negative. New Hampshire, although a swing state has only four Electoral College votes and a running mate from a larger state might be looked for.She too would be perceived as lacking in foreign policy experience.
Susana Martinez; Martinez is yet another governor who was endorsed by Palin in the 2010 campaign. She has substantial conservative support, is a young, vibrant person and had a successful legal career.She is pro-life.
Martinez obviously could be crucial in attracting the fast growing Hispanic vote to a GOP ticket which could bring huge Electoral College rewards from Florida and other states with a growing Hispanic population.New Mexico has eluded the GOP for two elections in a row and Martinez bringing it into the GOP's column along with Colorado and Nevada could be a massive assistance to the ticket.
She is relatively unknown and doesn't have recognized international experience.
Some might wish Michele Bachmann's name to be added to the list. Bachmann's qualities and negatives are well known and she doesn't seem a "fit" for Palin.
Here is the original interview and discussion regarding a possible future run and female VP running mate