Once again, the conservative voting military is being disenfranchised. This video helps to express their vote.

 59 to 35 percent,  that is the military polling results against Obama.  And,  just as in the case of Al Gore back in 2000,  their vote is being suppressed.  The video gives you a visual of the military’s contempt for their Commander in Chief. His conduct of the Afghan war is more than shameful,  costing the lives of well over 1,500 soldiers and for what?  For nothing.  They were fighting for the freedom of others,  but their Commander could not even define “victory,”  when asked,  much less define a mission.   Now,  in the news yesterday (Saturday the 22 of September) ,  we learn that he is thinking of releasing 55 GITMO detainees within days of the Libyan tragedy,  a massacre organized by an exGITMO prisoner.