Here's the redoubtable Stacy McCain at The Other McCain with a gleeful report on the Tennessee Dem's in disarray which brings back fond memories of the wonderful Alvin Greene's campaign in South Carolina in 2010. In that epic the local Dem's tried to blame the GOP for Greene's nomination "it has elephant tracks all over it" but in this one they have given up.
Stacy's end comment is for the ages "Maddow was bemoaning how the Democrat Party has basically “withered and died” in states like Tennessee, a development I call “a good start.”
But Maddow doesn't have it for herself, even the admitted socialist run hate site "Wonkette" is in despair.
Here's Stacy's take on it.
Tennessee Democrat Party Denounces Democrat Senate Candidate
Posted on | August 3, 2012 | 10 Comments and 22 Reactions
Rachel Maddow spent five minutes on MSNBC tonight having a conniption over what is, for Democrats, a disheartening development:
Mark Clayton believes the federal government is building a massive, four-football-field wide superhighway from Mexico City to Toronto as part of a secret plot to establish a new North American Union that will bring an end to America as we know it. On Thursday, he became the Tennessee Democrats’ nominee for US Senate.
Clayton, an anti-gay-marriage activist and flooring installer with a penchant for fringe conspiracy theories, finished on top of a crowded primary field in the race to take on GOP Sen. Bob Corker this fall. He earned 26 percent of the vote despite raising no money and listing the wrong opponent on his campaign website. . . .
Clayton’s primary victory is only the latest blow for the Tennessee Democrats in a state that’s becoming redder every year. Democrats lost three congressional seats during the 2010 midterms, plus control of the governor’s mansion. Corker, a rising GOP star who edged Democratic Rep. Harold Ford Jr. by just 2.7 points in 2006, is now virtually assured of another six years in Washington.
The Tennessee State Democrat Party denounced Clayton, prompting many Tennesseans to remark, “What? There’s still an actual Democrat Party in this state? I’ll be danged!”
Maddow was bemoaning how the Democrat Party has basically “withered and died” in states like Tennessee, a development I call “a good start.”