Fox News cancels all interviews with Sarah on this last night of the GOP convention.

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Update:  well, apparently,  Fox backed down.  Cavuto and Hannity just interviewed our First Lady.  

The timing sucks:   FoxNews canceling the single most important grassroots voice in the GOP on the night our road to victory begins.  Jerks all  

<<<< send your complaints to and do it now and often.  

While this is very frustrating news,  it comes as no surprise to this editor.  The upper class at Fox has pretended to be supportive of Governor Palin,  for years.  They were as transparent in this as is their effort to pretend Bourbon Boy,  Shep Smith,   is some kind of conservative news caster.

My advice to Sarah  -- shift into high gear.  It will be years before you stand alone  --  if ever.  

Sarah  is much respected and loved and her place in the grassroots movement is not to be ignored. 

She is at the middle of the conservative storm driving the current  political debate and taking back this nation for its founding principles. She is not the only one and the Governor would be the first to make that note.  But,  every time we see Paul Ryan,  Marco Rubio,  Ran Paul, Ted Cruz,  Nikki Haley (who will ignore the fact that Palin took up her candidacy when she – Haley -  was running out of gas and in 4thplace in the primaries),  and anyone sponsored by tea-party patriots,  we must acknowledge the iconic contribution of Sarah Palin. 

There are many conservative hero’s in all this,  but Palin is at the center of the storm and facing a very discouraging decision on the part of the hypocrites in the Fox News management. 

Understand that this election will be won because of the selfless contributions of patriots such as Sarah Palin,  Michele Bachmann,  Jim DeMint, and a host of others.

Addressing the RINO/status quo element within the GOP,  I always say this:  

try winning an election without us.  

That was the message of the ’08 election,  with 5 million disorganized  patriots staying away from the polls.  Abandon the cause and its 20 million adherents   and you will be sent packing  by the conservative majority.  That is not a threat,  that is an absolute promise. 

Palin conservatives constitute a huge portion of the Fox audience.  We do not need Fox nearly as much as Fox needs us  --  we already have our “alternative” media.  

Obama and his foreign policy reviewed.

Thanks to The Right Perspective

<<<  Did you know that Saudi Arabia has approved of Israel attacking Iran,  while Obama is busy revealing Israeli attack plans?

The IAEA [today 8/30/12]  is telling us that Iran has doubled its count of centrifuges located in what is feared to be  an impenetrable underground [Fox News].  The only people who believe that Obama has a vibrant foreign policy are those who either hate colonial America or are completely uninformed. 

He cut and ran from Iraq,  meddled in Egyptian politics,  backstabbing Mubarak and opening the door to a complete,  Muslim Brotherhood takeover of that country when,  before the Backstabbing,  such was not in the cards.  He defended his interference in Libya,  bragging that he responded in under 30 days while sitting on his hands for 18 months,  watching more than 30,000 Syrians,  mostly innocent civilians,  butchered by the their president.  

And,  last December,  he began a 10 day,  four million dollar vacation courtesy of the American taxpayer, on the very weekend Iran charged its first nuclear reactor. 

His wife has taken 17 vacations costing  millions and millions of taxpayer dollars.  As a First Couple,  they have consumed more caviar than any first couple in our history and conducted more after-hours White House parties (approaching an unbelievable 3,000 in total) than any of his predecessors. 

Obama has made more televised speeches than all presidents since and including FDR,  combined  (726 such speeches in the first year).   Understand that this is significant to this point:  he will have spent less than 9 months,  sitting on his butt,  in governance,  out of the 48 months he has pretended to be president. 

Think about this:  how long would it take you to play 110 rounds of golf (18 to 36 holes),  especially when you are terrible at the game?  Are we talking about three months???  Three months of doing absolutely nothing but playing games. 

Point of post:  just to remind the reader of the fact that Barack Obama is the most prolific “do nothing” we have ever had in office of President.  

As to Obama revealing Israeli attack plans, I specifically have in mind Obama exposing the arrangement between Turkey and Israel,  giving Israel a staging base close enough to Iran to make its attack wholly viable.  Traitorous.  At Foreign Policy,  last March,  we were told of this circumstance  --  the implicit result of an Administration intent on preventing an Israeli attack on Iran,  "leaking" information to the American press.  

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Sarah Palin, Limbaugh, Levin, Michele Malkin - all speak of the need to pursue a complaint against this Establishment attack on the larger and conservative GOP constituency.

Update:  understand that this is all about preventing "rogue" candidates such as another Palin or Ron Paul from having the influence they may have acquired, necessary for influencing party policy.  This is an insult to conservative forces and a blatant attack against the kind of change that moves us away from a growing central government.

You should know that a floor fight has been brewing for some time,  and may come to a conclusion this afternoon (Tuesday, the 28th). It involves a divide between Status Quo (Palin’s term) and the more conservative elements within the party.  At stake is the free progress of the tea-party influence on party politic in the future.  Will the party determine that party nominees have more say over delegate representation than local and state organizations have had in the past.    An initial vote,  on Monday,  was a defeat for this Establishment idea to take control of the party from its conservative constituency. Palin, Levine and Limbaugh have all spoken out on this matter.  Here are comments from Sarah (facebook): 

Had a great time today in Gilbert, Arizona, at a rally for Kirk Adams. It’s very important to pay attention to these down ballot races like Kirk Adams, Jeff Flake, and Paul Gosar in Arizona. We have to remember that this election is not just about replacing the party in power. It’s about who and what we replace it with. Grassroots conservatives know this. Without the energy and wisdom of the grassroots, the GOP would not have had the historic 2010 electoral victories. That’s why the controversial rule change being debated at the RNC convention right now is so very disappointing. It’s a direct attack on grassroots activists by the GOP establishment, and it must be rejected. Please follow the link to Michelle Malkin’s article about this. 

Michele Malkin carries this headline:  

Floor fight: Grass-roots activists battle attempt to rig GOP convention delegate rules Updated: Party bosses offer olive branch; Palin: “direct attack on the grass-roots;” RNC power grab showdown 2pm; Rush weighs in; purge underway?

My advice.  Go to Michele Malkin to get the full story and “what to do next” advice.  

The case against continued compromise with the Leftist Cabal

<<<<<<  Newsroom is a televised HBO series representing a national politic that confuses surrender with "compromise"  and  "compassionate dictator" governance with  historic and traditional representative election. 

Apparently,  HBO carries a show called Newsroom.  While it is a made-for-cable HBO series,  in reality, it functions in much the same manner as the Law and Order series,  an anti-colonial outpost intended to bias its viewers to any and all who dare oppose the anti-American rush to a socially engineered nation with all the appointments of a fascist/socialist state.   This media  propaganda center represents borderless concerns and "One Worldism,"   a system of social justice that is victor over  capitalism, the criminalization of a free market business model in pursuit of profitability and [the criminalization of]  individual liberties such as free speech, private property ownership and  free expression of religion. These folks oppose free choice when it comes to educational preferences [all education must be government controlled] and  support the forced unionization of all workers while lifting up a Central Government that determines winners and lose at all levels of societal function --  all in the name of “equality” and “fairness.”   

Text from the video and proof of the Left's true concerns:

Ideological purity, compromise as weakness, a fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism, denying science, unmoved by facts, undeterred by new information, a hostile fear of progress, a demonization of education, a need to control women’s bodies, severe xenophobia, tribal mentality, intolerance of dissent and a pathological hatred of the U.S. government.
They can call themselves the Tea Party. They can call themselves conservatives and they can even call themselves Republicans, though Republicans certainly shouldn’t. But we should call them what they are. The American Taliban.”

The case against continued compromise with the Leftist Cabal
Seriously,  how does a true believer compromise with this sort of rhetorical crap (above)?  If truth be told,  the radical wing of the Democrat party, once a party minority,  has held this impassioned opinion for decades.  

Our side has compromised on every aspect of the global collective agenda:  a ban on prayer in school has lead to an assault on prayer anywhere and, now,  an open attack on religion and the right of the conscience;  first term abortion for health reasons has devolved into  the outright murder of surviving abortion victims and abortion “just for the hell of it” (as I like to frame the debate from the Left);  income tax has become the wealth distribution strategy of the Left;  free public education (an admitted necessity) has been captured by the Left and is used to indoctrinate our youth;  sympathies  for queer marriage is forcing the confusion of “marriage” in general and the loss of a stable and foundational home life.  We have surrendered private property rights to the increase of property taxes and iminent domain claims by state and local governments.  We are witnessing more and more local governments and school districts deciding against the Pledge of Alliance as national pride and American Exceptionalism come under full Leftist attack;  the legality of flag burning has given rise to bans against the “mistreatment” of opposing religious symbols;  the invention of “hate crime” legislation is being used to control free speech;  public unions have given rise to forced union membership and/or the forced payment of union dues.  And the beat goes on and on. All of this has been the result of conservative compromise.  

At some point,  folks have to say,  “Enough.”  Over the decades,  societal change via “compromise”  has moved this nation in one direction and one direction only, foretelling a global socialism as its ultimate goal and scatological in its Marxist/Alinsky teachings. 

Time for the Left to compromise.  Let’s see how they handle defeat,  for a change. 

Time to take our nation back.  

Obama's campaign is now trying to brand the GOP with "radical." Kind of funny coming from the Radical In Chief, no?!

  Ben Feller / Associated Press:

Incredibly,  Obama dares to criticize Romney for “radicalism” when he [Obama] wrote the book on this subject,  as our first Rogue President.  Think about it:  he is the first to speak of a civilian military force stronger and better financed than our national force;  a man who has governed in rebellion to both the expressed will of the people and the legislative authority of  Congress;  the first president to lean over and whisper to enemy  leadership,  “After the election,  I will be able to do whatever I please” or words to that effect,  fully aware that cameras were rolling and his conversation was being recorded  (yes,  I am saying this was no 'gaff'); our first Head of State to speak  of his desire to rule as a dictator "if only our Constitution allowed" for such;   a man who was tutored by  anti-Americans such as  Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers,  for years and years;  the first president to allow card carrying communists (Van Jones) and Mao loyalists (Anita Dunn) membership in his inner circle;  the first president to express disappointment in this country  "imperialism" and apologize to foreign powers for our arrogance;  the first Commander In Chief  to expand a war (Afghanistan) with no intentions of winning that war; the first president to create and manage (personally) a kill list;  the first anarchist-Occupier as president; 

The first to make a statement as radical as this: 

On July 2, 2008, Obama had this to say: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

With a wife as radical as he:

May of 2008: MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

When you think about it,  his headlined criticism is humorous in an idiot sort of way.  

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Here are the Obama cuts to Medicare - of course this results in a reduction to services. Of course.

Here is Obama  verbiage for claiming Romney is lying about the Obama cuts to Medicare: 

Mitt Romney’s campaign was brazenly misleading in its charge that the president’s health plan would cut medical services to older adults by reducing Medicare spending by $716 billion. The president’s savings will come mostly from smaller payments to managed care companies, which provide the same services as Medicare at a higher cost, and from slower growth in reimbursement rates to health care providers . . . .  NY Times

Question:  if you are an Obama believer,  rebut or answer this  --  how are these cuts,  and they are cuts,  to healthcare providers,  hospitals,  hospice care centers,  “rest homes” for our seniors,  and special in-home nursing care, affected without services being cut?  While Obama responds with,  “These institutions and providers will just have to work more efficiently,” the truth is that  real-world beneficiaries will simply receive less in terms of needed services and benefits.  Understand that providers and institutions receiving Medicare patients are already underpaid to the tune of 30%. 

From a post I wrote a week ago,  here are some pertinent facts about Obama's cuts.  As you read,  understand that none of these cuts are possible without effecting benefits and all Medicare cuts effect the elderly,  the poor and the indigent.

A  new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report updated the amount of money Obamacare robs out of Medicare from $500 billion to a whopping $716 billion between 2013 and 2022.   According to the CBO, the payment cuts in Medicare include:
  • A $260 billion payment cut for hospital services affecting the aged and disabled, exclusively.
  • A $39 billion payment cut for skilled nursing services effecting  private care facilities, nurses in mental health facilities,  and in-home care for the elderly and needy. 
  • A $17 billion payment cut for hospice services  --  the poor who are near death are the ones affected by this cut (part of Palin's 'death panels'). 
  • A $66 billion payment cut for home health services. Again,  it is the poor and needy most affected by this deduct. 
  • A $33 billion payment cut for all other services.
  • A $156 billion cut in payment rates in Medicare Advantage (MA); $156 billion is before considering interactions with other provisions. The House Ways and Means Committee was able to include interactions with other provisions, estimating the cuts to MA to be even higher, coming in at $308 billion.

Understand that Obama and the Dems added a "stealth" 216 billion dollars to the admitted $500 billion they spoke of during 2009.  

Conclusion:   Obama's health care reform cuts services to dying seniors in the hospice program,  cuts home health care services for seniors and the those handicapped.   Services demanding skilled nurses have been cut and hospital services for the indigent and immigrant population have been sorely cut.  

Have you noticed, Ryan's selection has changed the narrative in this election cycle? And Obama thought he could escape his own record.

Medicare Findings: President’s Healthcare Plan a Drag on Medicare Issue for Underperforming Democrats.  With the selection of Paul Ryan, campaign debate and coverage over the past two weeks  has focused on Medicare – an issue that has traditionally favored Democratic politicians  by overwhelming margins.  Republicans  have historically trailed Democrats on healthcare issues by margins in the high teens  and low 20’s.  A March 2009 survey done by the Winston Group found Democrats  with a 29-point lead on healthcare.  But this  survey found that those margins have shrunk considerably and on a number of healthcare/Medicare policy positions, Republican solutions are either on par with those of the President and his party or in some cases  viewed more favorably particularly when put in an economic context.  This survey found that Democrats held a 1 point advantage on the generic ballot and a 6  point advantage on Medicare.   For Republicans to break even on these issues  is a major shift and the survey shows that the issue Democrats  have counted on as a reliable driver of voter support in past elections, is being overwhelmed by the economy . . . . .  (Winston Group)

Editor's notes:  for the past several months,  I have been saying, "Fear not,  the economy will be at the center of the coming referendum on Obama's term as president."  Because of the statistical information in the  report from the Winston Group,  we have more reason to believe this assumption to be true.  

Today,  the Obama campaign touted the loser,  Bill Clinton,  in a campaign ad that urged voters to stick with the Obama plan as he,  Obama,  continues to "rebuild America from the ground up."  Such hyperbole is not only unnecessary,  it is an idiot's declaration.  The nation does not need to be "rebuilt from the ground up"  and Clinton would be hard pressed to detail exactly what he even  means in stating such nonsense.  It certainly was not something he was committed to during his administration.  

At any rate,  in the end,  Obama is going to have to answer for his alarming and comprehensive ineptness as a national leader.  He is a smooth talking bully from Chicago and nothing more.  

Jeffrey Immelt,  CEO of G.E, and Obama's "job czar,"  has recently spoken of his disappointment with Obama in a New York Post article:  

 Friends describe Immelt as privately dismayed that, even after three years on the job, President Obama hasn’t moved to the center, but instead further left. The GE CEO, I’m told, is appalled by everything from the president’s class-warfare rhetoric to his continued belief that big government is the key to economic salvation.  Or, as one friend recently put it to me, “Jeff thought he could make a difference, and now realizes he couldn't.” 

And the point of this post?  To confirm that Obama has nowhere to hide.  Even his "friends" see his ineptitude.  This election will be about him and beginning with the GOP national convention,  that will become crystal clear.  

The wrath of Kong is about to be unleashed and then we can finish the political extinction of the current ruling class.  That will be a process that extends well into the future.  

Understand that if Romney and the New GOP can turn things around,  we have eight years to separate ourselves from the global agenda of the anti-colonialists among us.   

Recent study predicts Romney with 320 electoral votes, so stop obsessing about Todd Akin.

A University of Colorado analysis of state-by-state factors leading to the Electoral College selection of every U.S. president since 1980 forecasts that the 2012 winner will be Mitt Romney.
The key is the economy, say political science professors Kenneth Bickers of CU-Boulder and Michael Berry of CU Denver. Their prediction model stresses economic data from the 50 states and the District of Columbia, including both state and national unemployment figures as well as changes in real per capita income, among other factors.
“Based on our forecasting model, it becomes clear that the president is in electoral trouble,” said Bickers, also director of the CU in DC Internship Program.
According to their analysis, President Barack Obama will win 218 votes in the Electoral College, short of the 270 he needs. And though they chiefly focus on the Electoral College, the political scientists predict Romney will win 52.9 percent of the popular vote to Obama’s 47.1 percent, when considering only the two major political parties.
“For the last eight presidential elections, this model has correctly predicted the winner,” said Berry. “The economy has seen some improvement since President Obama took office. What remains to be seen is whether voters will consider the economy in relative or absolute terms. If it’s the former, the president may receive credit for the economy’s trajectory and win a second term. In the latter case, Romney should pick up a number of states Obama won in 2008.”
Their model correctly predicted all elections since 1980, including two years when independent candidates ran strongly, 1980 and 1992. It also correctly predicted the outcome in 2000, when Al Gore received the most popular vote but George W. Bush won the election.
The study will be published this month in PS: Political Science & Politics, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Political Science Association. It will be among about a dozen election prediction models, but one of only two to focus on the Electoral College.
While many forecast models are based on the popular vote, the Electoral College model developed by Bickers and Berry is the only one of its type to include more than one state-level measure of economic conditions.
In addition to state and national unemployment rates, the authors looked at per capita income, which indicates the extent to which people have more or less disposable income. Research shows that these two factors affect the major parties differently: Voters hold Democrats more responsible for unemployment rates while Republicans are held more responsible for per capita income.
Accordingly -- and depending largely on which party is in the White House at the time -- each factor can either help or hurt the major parties disproportionately.
Their results show that “the apparent advantage of being a Democratic candidate and holding the White House disappears when the national unemployment rate hits 5.6 percent,” Berry said.  The results indicate, according to Bickers, “that the incumbency advantage enjoyed by President Obama, though statistically significant, is not great enough to offset high rates of unemployment currently experienced in many of the states.”
In an examination of other factors, the authors found that none of the following had any statistically significant effect on whether a state ultimately went for a particular candidate: The location of a party’s national convention; the home state of the vice president; or the partisanship of state governors.
In 2012, “What is striking about our state-level economic indicator forecast is the expectation that Obama will lose almost all of the states currently considered as swing states, including North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida,” Bickers said.
In Colorado, which went for Obama in 2008, the model predicts that Romney will receive 51.9 percent of the vote to Obama’s 48.1 percent, again with only the two major parties considered.
The authors also provided caveats. Factors they said may affect their prediction include the timeframe of the economic data used in the study and close tallies in certain states. The current data was taken five months in advance of the Nov. 6 election and they plan to update it with more current economic data in September. A second factor is that states very close to a 50-50 split may fall an unexpected direction.
“As scholars and pundits well know, each election has unique elements that could lead one or more states to behave in ways in a particular election that the model is unable to correctly predict,” Berry said.
Election prediction models “suggest that presidential elections are about big things and the stewardship of the national economy,” Bickers said. “It’s not about gaffes, political commercials or day-to-day campaign tactics. I find that heartening for our democracy.”
Kenneth Bickers, 303-492-2363
Michael Berry, 303-556-6244
Peter Caughey, CU-Boulder media relations, 303-492-4007
David Kelly, CU Denver media relations, 303-315-6374

Leaving site open upon request

A number have requested that I leave the site open as there are previously posted articles of interest I am told. 

I am more than happy to do so although I have ceased blogging at this site. 

I have the occasional post at the
Palin4President2016 site.


Why this election will be about the economy and nothing else.

With the Ryan nomination,  I am quite sure that Obama believes  the GOP has dealt him a winning hand, for the coming election.  He sees Ryan's selection as an opportunity to turn this election cycle into an "election about choices,"  not a referendum on his failed record.  As a result,  he has busied himself,  framing Romney as an immoral and unqualified one-percenter with no conscience and no attachment to the middle class.  

Can you imagine?  Romney versus a black guy who did not participate in the civil rights movement at any level, a privileged and spoiled youth,   an avoid anti-colonialist with no attachment to the working middle class or to the accepted history of this great country,  an "agitator" by profession with no private sector experience and no appreciation for successful entrepreneurship and "business for profit."  He cares nothing for private property ownership, and  expects  those who do not work (for whatever reason) to have the same material advantages as anyone who claims to be rich. 

Note: an anti-colonialist is one who rejects this nation's history, traditions and values.  We know Obama is an anti-colonialist because of Michelle's words: 

May of 2008:    MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

Understand this:  with every poll,  the number one concern of the American electorate is the economy. There are no polling exceptions to this observation.   Like it or not,  Obama will be judged by his performance, or lack thereof;  there is no escaping this reality and no amount of Democrat hyperbole  or phony concern will move people away from this election being a referendum on Obama's  presidency.  What Obama sees as "light at the end of the tunnel" is,  in reality, a freight train coming his direction.  

And this "freight train" is,  of course,  the 2012 election referendum.  Understand that a nominal 8% of the national electorate is undecided (9 million voters)  and,  according to pollsters,  only 15% of this voting block is paying attention to the daily news.   After the two conventions and sometime during the October debates,  these people will make their decisions final.  Traditionally, this constituency  votes against the incumbent, especially if the economy is bad or trending in that direction.  

And how is the economy doing?  Just today (8/22/12)  the CBO told us that this nation is headed for a second and major recession unless there is a change in national policy.  Gallup projects the possibility that the Bureau of Labor Statistics  will move the unemployment percentage from the current 8.3% upward.  If this upward movement is more than a single point,  the news will be devastating for the Obama campaign.  Understand that 44 states out of 50 released stats,  last week,  showing increases in their unemployment numbers, the  highest such report in more than three years.  

The fact of the matter is this:  Obama is not going to win re-election if this is the trend come November 6,  nor should he.     

Sarah has made her thinking clear as relates to Todd Akin - he should quit !! (no article)

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Obviously, the very liberal editorial staff made the decision to publish this cover and, in so doing, captured the frustration of us all.

Pollsters fear that 30 to 40 million Americans will not be voting in the coming election and 70 percent of these folks supported Obama,  wanted him to succeed,  some desperately so. If this is a true estimate,  Obama has already lost the election and the results  (again "if this scenario" is accurate) will be devastating for the Progressive element within the Democrat Party.  Remember,  he spent nearly a billion dollars to win an election by just 7%  (9.5 million votes).  He has told the white vote to kiss off along with the Catholic vote,  the small and large business voting block,  the whole of the banking industry,  the oil and coal industries and their unions.  He is embroiled in at least 14 scandals,  one of which includes the deaths of two border agents,  another (the security lead scandal) responsible for the untold deaths of secret agents,  still another for responsible for the deaths of 23 members of Navy Seal Team Six,  shot down in retaliation for the killing of bin Laden after Obama announced the identity of this secret special ops force.  

The Worst Election Campaign Ever-88 More Days Of Partisan Negativity? No Thanks

It's not too  late to bring back the McCain/Palin team which makes the current effort look sad.

I have been very involved with producing a fund raising concert for the charity I volunteer for. Dealing with a team, artists, the theater owners/sound systems,media is a time consuming all encompassing thing as anyone who has undertaken such a project would testify (if they have any brain cells left when it is all over). 

Delighted to advise all costs were covered and there was enough left over to cure one person of leprosy, which was the aim of the project

This hiatus also enabled me to stand back from the political fray. Viewed from not having a dog in the race I can honestly say this is the most boring, negative, destructive, off the issues, puerile election I have ever seen.

I have been watching/participating in presidential campaigns since the rarefied intellectual campaigns of Adlai Stevenson, but watching Biden's gaffe stricken performance and Romney's efforts suggested to me that to spend three months listening to more of the same is beyond my capacity for self-inflicted pain.

I am switching off blogging till after the election,not having Palin as a major speaker at Tampa was the last straw and a major insult to her mass of supporters.Frankly I just can't stand the pathetic partisanship and media distortion,and at this point I hope to be able to support Sarah as she progresses, hopefully to 2016, after November..

As many as 40 million who voted for Obama will not vote in the coming election. Not probable, but definitely possible according to this report.

Picture from Wikimedia Commons

Take a second and locate the speaker at the podium.  You are looking at the third night of the Democrat National Convention.  At center stage is a man named Artur Davis. You are looking at the moment he "seconds" the nomination of Barack Hussein Obama.  It was a big deal for him and a historic moment in American history. 

Four years later,  Artur Davis will be presenting one of the keynote speeches at the Republican National Convention.   His disappointment in Obama,  one that mirrors  some 40 million 2008 Obama supporters*,  is both palpable and equally historic.  

Over the past few days,  Donald Trump has been hinting at "something big" coming down the pike.  Well,  here it is.  
Davis back in the day when he believed
in Obama's hyperbole and rhetorical perversions.

What is exciting for me is the fact that we are witnessing a monumental structural change in the Republican Party.  It has returned to its roots,  and is growing a minority contingency, to boot.  Wonderful. 

Artur Davies adds himself to an awesome collection of fine minority GOP leaders.  Understand that there is no future for an aging, white dominated GOP.  Sorry,  but that is not in the cards. 

Even John McCain has effectively observed that we are watching a transition within the GOP,  a metamorphosis,  if you will.  A new century is well under way and the GOP is making the changes needed to remain a leader in the national political narrative.  

Not the case within the Democrat Party.  It has turned to a extreme radicalism that encourage violence,  the circumvention of free speech,  the abolition of state rights,  the end to borders and a national inclusion in a one world system of governance and wealth redistribution. 

Welcome aboard,  Artur Davis.  See you at the convention. 
End notes and confirmations:  

*        Gallup, here,   discusses the 6% disparity between Obama supporter and the growing horde of GOP supporters.  

Politico, here, reveals a decline in Democrat registration of 800,000 voters. 

And USA Today, here,  tells us that as many as 90 will not vote in the coming election  -  up from a normal 40/50 million traditional total.  Of this 90 million it is believed that some 30 to 40 voted for the Slickster in 2008.