NBC/WSJ poll: Negative campaign takes toll on candidates; Obama up six points
Actually, when you count all who "lean" one way or another, those who lean Left total 46% of those polled while those who lean Right total 35% --- an 11 point margin in favor of Obama and he won by 6 (?!!!). Kind of looks like Romney won 5 points or maybe we should disregard this poll altogether.
Strong Democrat ............................................... 24 %
Not very strong Democrat ................................. 11
Independent/lean Democrat ............................... 11
Strictly Independent .......................................... 16
Independent/lean Republican ............................. 12
Not very strong Republican ............................... 7
Strong Republican ............................................. 16 %
Other (VOL) ....................................................... 2
Not sure ........................................................... 1
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
The article can be found here.
The polling information can be found here.