American Spectator: Romney Campaign Disses Palin: Throws Party Unity Overboard

Jeffrey Lord at the influential conservative site "American Spectator" adds his voice to the massive concern from conservatives at the Romney campaign's apparent snubbing of Sarah Palin
AT THIS LINK Here is an extract to you give you an idea of the depth of feeling ,

"Here we go.

So now come all these news reports (just for example, here, here, here, and here) that Team Romney has decided deliberately -- deliberately -- to trash Sarah Palin by not inviting her to the Tampa convention.
And they expect people to rally to their candidate when they are out there sticking their finger in the eye of the party's base? Sending a message to the Tea Party to go take a flying leap?
If this is true, and no less than Governor Palin herself has said she is uninvited, one can only wonder:
hat are these wizards of smart thinking?"

 Roderick Deane at Conservatives4Palin comments below on Lord's  article and I cover the debacle


Hey Mitt! Where’s the Palin invite to the GOP convention?

Perhaps it’s too early to worry about this. After all, I don’t think any of the other GOP Presidential contenders have gotten invites to the GOP convention either…but, then again, Governor Palin should be an exception.

She was the GOP’s VP candidate in the last election, for crying out loud! She DESERVES a prime-time spot on the dais. Sure, the mainstream media and GOPe have tried to demonize her over the last 4 years, but she is still quite relevant, despite attempts to suggest otherwise. Her acceptance by the Tea Party is unquestioned and she still has the ability to galvanize the grassroots in ways that Romney can only dream of.

I keep hearing people say that we need to unify around our presumptive candidate. I say BULLSHIT! Romney needs to reach out to Governor Palin, have a face-to-face conversation, and offer her a prime spot during the Convention. In that conversation, Governor Palin needs to be given assurances that the Tea Party’s issues will be front and center in Romney’s campaign and governing agenda. If that doesn’t happen, I know an awful lot of people that are going to invest their time to help Congressional and Senate candidates this fall. Oh sure, they MIGHT hold their nose and vote for Romney, but they sure as heck aren’t going to campaign for him.

I know you agree with me and certain others do to.
Laura Ingraham
Newt Gingrich
John McCain
Jeffrey Lord, The American Spectator

Thankfully, Mitt Romney is starting to show some cajones in a recent speech in Pennsylvania, highlighted by Mark Levin. Me thinks he just might be angling to be put in good graces with us, the grassroots and, by extension, Sarah Palin.
Hat tips: Conservatives4Palin, Mark Levin