From top to bottom, this whole process, including the childish retreat of Democrat legislators to Illinois has been an unmitigated disaster.
Original Text:
“The margin of victory might exceed expectations after union deserters make their voices heard, today.” Turns out, I was as right as rain.
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Indeed, tonight, with 90% of precincts reporting, Governor Walker has won the election with a 9 point margin.
What does it mean? First and foremost, it means that the less radical elements within the state are sick and tired of the fight. They did not agree with the recall, in the first place, despite the 900,000 signatures calling for the recall and voted their displeasure.
Secondly, we must avoid “blaming” the election results solely on a tired electorate. Scott Walker’s record was on display, tonight. Had it been a failed record, he simply would not have survived. He has had time, as short a that time has been, to put his policies into effect and see them succeed.
Third, it was a comprehensive victory and Walker, in his victory speech, made it clear that he had learned a very important lesson over the course of the past two years -- to spend more time building consensus as he works to push forward with the business of Wisconsin State politics. Surprisingly, he is already as popular as is Obama. If he continues to be successful with his commonsense, conservative policies and includes “the other side” in his governance, he just might bring Wisconsin into play for the general election, this November.