This babe, a Queer Nation activist, blames Reagan for aides and appears to be most unhappy about the event. |
In fact, the event was such a disgrace, that Obama had to issue this apology. Understand that this apology came a full week after the event, itself. Obviously, Obama was fine with event until the media found out about it.
UPDATE 6/22 9:30 p.m.: According to Fox News, the White House has issued a statement rebuking some of the behavior described in this article: “While the White House does not control the conduct of guests at receptions, we certainly expect that all attendees conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Most all do. These individuals clearly did not. Behavior like this doesn’t belong anywhere, least of all in the White House.”
At the event, a transgendered "man," proposed to his real-girl partner. Understand that while playing dress-up is an accepted childhood practice ( you should see a couple of my grandkids !!!!!!!), it is rather silly when grown-ups decide to get serious with dress-up. It is even more ridiculous when mature minds think this is normal adult behavior. Want to play dress-up? Fine. Want to say you are a woman when you are really a man, O.K. But paleeeeze, stop telling the world this is normal behavior. I mean, what if you decided to cut off all of your digital extremeties, peepee, arms and legs, and went around telling folks you were a telephone pole? I will wager you one thing, the argument you use to explain why that is abnormal behavior will be the same argument I could use in a discussion about "transgendered" types.