Part I: Obama's political decision for gay marriage.

Since Obama made his "surprise" announcement, his decision has received the most coverage of any single Obama event.  The following list is my evidence:

The Huffington PostYahoo! NewsPoliticoWall Street JournalRush LimbaughGayPatriot,americanthinker.comNew YorkerABCNEWSThe HillWhite BlogCNNNO QUARTER,Weasel ZippersAmerican ProspectFreedom to Marry BlogMediaiteThe Gateway PunditGay Politics,Viewpoint with Eliot DiscourseSEIU.orgTruthdig,DownWithTyranny!The ReactionslacktivistCampaign StopsOutside the BeltwayTIME IdeasNew York TimesPoynterPolitickerWashington PostMother JonesTVNewserLe·gal In·sur·rec· tion,Weekly Standard, The Democratic Daily, Washington WireEclectablogNewsyCampaign 2012his vorpal swordThe BRAD BLOGProp 8 Trial TrackerBusiness InsiderACS BlogCrooks and Liars,DISSENTING JUSTICEFiredoglakeGuardianStinqueBoing BoingPatterico's PontificationsMother JonesGay PoliticsTaylor MarshLiberal ValuesMidwest VoicesThinkProgressRedStateInstapundit,Alas, a BlogBlue Mass GroupJustOneMinuteNational ReviewGawkerNew York MagazineRod DreherIndecision ForeverLawyers, Guns & MoneyShakesvilleHot AirBuzzFeedThe Caucus andWake up America

More than the coverage,  90 million dollars have come into Obama's campaign coffers in the past 24 hours.  Correction:  $1 million was raised in the first 90 minutes following the announcement.  But the long term benefit is not yet known.  Few see Obama's decision to suddenly support gay marriage as a big surprise.  In fact,  the claim that "his position is just like ours,"  as echoed by Sean Hannity and other conservative commentators,  has been a source of irritation to me,  for years.  The fact remains that the nation is evenly divided on the issue. Obama, as a politician,  has always been a closet gay supporter.  30 of the 50 states have anti gay marriage laws and, more importantly,  7 of the 13 swing states, also,  have anti gay marriage laws on the books.  North Carolina,  one of those swing states,  passed its anti gay marriage law on Tuesday (May 8) by a 60% affrimative vote. North Carolina supported Obama in 2008 by a margin  of 14,000 votes.

So,  while the buzz will be rather involved,  its impact will not be a game changer,  in my humble opinion.  Understand that this coming election is a referendum of Obama's presidency,  not a vote for a politician with new ideas and a revived rhetorical standard.  Second term elections are always referendum elections.

Try as he may,  Obama is not going to be able to escape his record.