Noted Website:"McCain To Participate In Bristol Palin's New Reality Show-Levi To Be Hospitalized Subsequently"

One of the most famous blog's "The Other McCain" which touts (with good reason) its masthead personality Robert Stacy McCain as "The World's Most Interesting Blogger" has a fascinating piece by Internet guru "Smitty'.

The articles reveals an envisaged appearance on Bristol Palin's upcoming reality show "Life's a Tripp" by the redoubtable McCain and postulates the hapless Levi Johnston might be the worse for wear should this  appearance eventuate.

This is a fascinating possibility and for the original article plus an amazing further post on the possible danger to McCain's well-being by a alleged crazed leftist please go to his site and give him your  written and even more importantly, financial, support.

Bristol Palin To Get Reality Show; Stacy McCain Content With Surreality Show

Posted on | May 22, 2012 | 2 Comments and 0 Reactions
by Smitty
Via Memeorandum and Politico:
Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp, premiering Tuesday, June 19, at 10pm ET/PT with back-to-back episodes. Two new episodes will subsequently air every Tuesday, showcasing Bristol’s journey growing into womanhood with her young son, Tripp.
With never-before-granted access to Bristol’s real-life experiences, the show follows her everyday life as a single mother living under intense media scrutiny that comes from her lineage as the daughter of former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
I want to see the episode where she’s out to dinner and Stacy McCain, now The World’s Most Interesting Blogger (mosquitos do not bite, him out of respect), saves her from being accosted by Levi Johnston.
McCain takes Johnston to task for being a standing insult to manhood of Obama-esque proportions. Johnston breaks down crying at the description of what McCain would do to him, were one of McCain’s daughters to receive such despicable treatment. Levi eventually requires hospitalization to recover from contusions suffered due to the impact of McCain’s verbal onslaught, and actually sends a thank-you note to Todd Palin for showing more mercy.
Hmmm. I seem to bear some animus toward Johnston.
Meanwhile, I did have a quick word with Stacy, sounded chipper. I haven’t the foggiest idea where he is. Start prepping your material for the 25th, Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day.