<<<< Of all the bad news coming Obama's way, the 43 legal filings against his Administration may be the worst of the news.
Week five of this campaign cycle, was quite eventful. Week six was just the opposite. Last week (week six as we count the campaign) saw fewer major headlines during any period of time since my reporting began more than four years ago. Week five saw a record average attendance to this little blog of more than 2,000 per day with 2650 as our record "high." Last week, we averaged just over 1,000 hits per day with 760, on Saturday, our lowest totals since the beginning of December, 2011. Why? No vital news to report. As reported in our headline, week six was a "nothing burger." But, we are having a much better week, this week, beginning with Sunday.
Week Seven begins with this news , none of it good for Obama.
News services are reporting that Super Pacs have not produced as anticipated for the Democrats.
Hollywood has not stepped up to the plate for Obama, despite George Clooney's recent fundraiser.
Contributions from Wall Street are down a startling 70%. Obama lead McCain in contributions from the Street, in 2008.
Obama's EPA has been reversed for the second time since the beginning of the year. First, in the Sackett v the EPA 9-0 decision of the Supreme Court. And, last month, by a Federal District court in North Carolina in Arch Coal v the EPA.
Over the past several weeks, Obama has taken public criticism from a number of his supporters. Cory Booker, Mayor of Newwark was critical of Obama's attack on private equity firms and Bain Capital; Campbell Brown, past CNN reporter, was sharply of Obama's pandering to women; Sean Penn was demanding that Obama do something about human rights violations in several of the African countries; Michael Moore believes that Obama failed the "clean earth agenda:" and Mort Zuckerman, editor of Newsweek, has written several extremely critical editorials on Obama's failure to craft a coherent fiscal policy.
Finally, for the sake of this post, the Catholic Church has entered its second phase as it protests the secularist atheists within the Obama Administration. It is being announced, today, May 21, that 43 individual plaintiffs, all Catholic entities, have filed separate actions against the Obama Administration. The New York diocese, alone, represents 2.5 million Americans. In Washington D.C., that diocese has a membership of well over 600,000, and there are 41 other dioceses in addition to the two named.
Understand that the Catholic Church has informed the Administration, that it will not only disobey any law that demands a violation of its doctrines, it will refuse to pay any fines levied against that church, should that become the case. Obama carried the Catholic vote with a 56% margin. Unless Obama changes strategies, he is going to lose votes within this very important demographic.