Appearing before a House subcommittee inquiring about fuel prices on Thursday, Energy Secretary Steven Chu was asked whether the Energy Department was working to lower gasoline prices.
Congressman Alan Nunnelee: But, is the overall goal to get our price lower?Secretary Chu answered: No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy, and to decrease our dependency on oil.
Average gas prices rose to $3.74 per gallon nationally, according to FoxNews. On the West coast, average prices are over $4.15 a gallon. The price of crude oil is up to $110 with no end in sight, especially since the truth of the matter is that the Administration is not concerned with the rise in prices. What is amazing about this bunch of Marxist Misfits, is the realization that they do not get the fact that an alternative system of fuel and fuel supply needs to be in place before they choke the nation off its thirst for oil.