The highly respected and highly principled commentator Adrienne Ross who writes at her aptly named site "Motivation Truth ha published a moving call to Senator John McCain.
Ross asks that McCain, who is respected for his honor an dignity, condemn the HBO hatchet job movie "Game Change". McCain would have first hand knowledge of course of all the events under scrutiny and could refute what Palin's team calls utter distortion.
Ross makes her points with dignity and respect, and Governor Palin deserves the same dignity and respect which Senator McCain who, as very much her mentor, is called on to restore them to her.
From Adrienne Ross at Motivation Truth
Summoning Senator McCain
I have great respect for Senator John McCain. That respect is two-fold. First and foremost, I respect his service to our nation. He is a true American hero, the proverbial "profile in courage." His strength and heroism in war are undeniable. Second, he was the vehicle through which the nation came to know Governor Palin. Though she had already been making history in Alaska, many had never heard her record, or even her name, until the Senator introduced her on August 29, 2008, in Dayton Ohio. For that, we are most grateful.
However, I have a bone to pick with him. HBO has shamelessly orchestrated the Palin hit piece known as Game Change, which is set to air next month. Its original purpose seems to have been to derail a Palin presidential run, as it was assumed she would be a candidate at this time. That, obviously, is not the case, but HBO's characterization of her is no less demeaning, dishonest, and frankly, disgusting. In fact, former senior adviser and spokesperson, Meghan Stapleton, called it "sick," and other staffers also denounced it as pure "fiction."
My issue with Senator McCain is that he remains silent while those he trusted continue to blame Governor Palin for the horrible campaign they ran. They need a scapegoat, so they've chosen her, and they're willing to sell their souls to the devil in the effort.
Mark Whittington writes:
The movie is based on a poorly researched book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, and it was criticized at the time of its publication by Howard Kurtz, then a media reporter for the Washington Post, and the New York Times for its overreliance on unsourced "deep background" interviews that were difficult to verify.
Two of those sources have been revealed, according to the Los Angeles Times, as Steve Schmidt and Nichole [sic] Wallace, John McCain campaign operatives widely regarded as being responsible for McCain's defeat in 2008. The suspicion is Schmidt and Wallace are attempting to shift the blame for the debacle on Palin.
Schmidt and Wallace will obviously do what they do. Their despicable behavior is nothing new, but McCain could certainly stop it in its tracks with just one word--or at least slow it down. Instead, he is saying nothing. Therefore, these two little rascals are making him look even worse than they are attempting to make the Governor look. If she was really as bad as they say she was, what does that say about Senator McCain, since he's the one who picked her? These two miscreants are not only doing a disservice to Governor Palin's name, but they're calling into question Senator McCain's leadership capabilities.
The Senator did say this:
It'll be a cold day in Gila Bend, Arizona, when I watch that movie.
Well, that's fine, but surely he has seen the trailer by now, or read about it, or heard about the decent members of his 2008 election staff who have spoken out against the lies in this movie in which Governor Palin is depicted as mentally unstable, unprepared, and unintelligent.