Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says that Newt Gingrich is being “crucified” by the Republican establishment, including allies of Mitt Romney, who are trying to rewrite his record with a barrage of negative attacks.
"Look at Newt Gingrich, what's going on with him via the establishment's attacks,” Palin told John Stossel of Fox Business on Thursday.
"Look at Newt Gingrich, what's going on with him via the establishment's attacks,” Palin told John Stossel of Fox Business on Thursday.
She added: “They're trying to crucify this man and rewrite history and rewrite what it is that he has stood for all these years.”
Palin has not endorsed any of the GOP presidential candidates, but has been enthusiastically supportive of Gingrich. Last week before the South Carolina GOP primary Palin said she would vote for Newt Gingrich if she was voting in that state’s primary.
Palin’s husband, Todd, has officially endorsed Gingrich for president.
Sarah Palin explained her husband’s endorsement of Gingrich: “I think that endorsement was real reflective of a lot of Americans who understand that somebody with experience in cutting government budgets, cutting taxes — which does more for liberty and an economic turnaround than anything else — someone who has waged war on Hillarycare and government taking over of healthcare — somebody with that experience plus somebody who has struggled personally and overcome struggles and challenges — would be one that was embraced by voters.”
Read more on Sarah Palin: Newt 'Crucified' By Romney Allies, GOP Establishment
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